I am a methodologist that helps managers use data to understand how consumers navigate difficult decisions. I've studied questions such as:
As I often find that existing methods provide misleading answer to my questions, I have to create new methods and tools to answer them better. Sometimes, that involves the development of a new measure that can be used in pre-existing data. Other times, I create novel paradigms or statistical analysis models.
Here's a sortable list of my published academic articles. "Top 4" is for (JM, JMR, JCR, MKS). "Marketing" excludes non-marketing journals. "Methodological" refers to articles where the goal was to contribute a new tool. "Empirical" refers to articles where the goal was to inform theory. Don't hesitate to reach out if you want a copy.
Sawant, Rajeev, Mahima Hada and Simon J. Blanchard (2020), ”Contractual Discrimination in Franchise Relationships,” Journal of Retailing, forthcoming.
Moins, Theo, Daniel Aloise and Simon J. Blanchard (2020), ”RecSeats: A Hybrid Convolutional Network Choice Model for Large Scale Seat Recommendations at Reserved Seating Venues,” in RecSys
’20: Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, September 2020.
Blanchard, Simon J., Tatiana Dyachenko, Keri L. Kettle (2020). ”Locational Choices: Modeling
Consumer Preferences for Proximity to Others at Reserved-Seating Venues,” Journal of Marketing Research, 57(4).
Pinerho, Daniel, Daniel Aloise, Simon J. Blanchard (2020). ”Convex Fuzzy k-Medoid Clustering.”
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 389 (June), 66-92.
Blanchard, Simon J., Mahima Hada and Kurt A. Carlson (2018). ”Specialist Competitor Referrals:
How Salespeople Can Use Competitor Referrals for Nonfocal Products to Increase Focal Product
Sales.” Journal of Marketing, 82 (4), 127-145.
Blanchard, Simon J., Daniel Aloise, Wayne S. DeSarbo (2017). ”Extracting Summary Piles from
Sorting Task Data” Journal of Marketing Research, 54 (3), 398-414.
Garvey, Aaron G., Simon J. Blanchard, Karen P. Winterich (2017). ”Turning Unplanned Overpayments into Status Signals: Benefits of Mentioning the Price Paid.” Marketing Letters, 28(1), 71-83.
Kettle, Keri L., Remi Trudel, Simon J. Blanchard, Gerald Haubl (2016). ”Repayment Concentration
and Consumer Motivation to Get Out of Debt.” Journal of Consumer Research, 43 (3), 460-477.
Blanchard, Simon J., Kurt A. Carlson and Jamie D. Hyodo (2016). ”The Favor Request Effect:
Requesting a Favor from Consumers to Seal the Deal.” Journal of Consumer Research, 42 (6), 985-1001.
Blanchard, Simon J., Ishani Banerji. (2016) ”Evidence-Based Recommendations for Designing FreeSorting Experiments.” Behavior Research Methods, 48 (4), 1318-1336.
Santi, Everton, Daniel Aloise and Simon J. Blanchard (2016). ”A Model for Clustering Using Heterogeneous Dissimilarity Matrices.” European Journal of Operations Research, 253 (3), 659-672
Carlson, Kurt A., Jared Wolfe, Simon J. Blanchard, Joel C. Huber and Dan Ariely (2015). ”The Budget Contraction Effect: How Contracting Budgets Lead to Less Varied Choice.” Journal of Marketing Research, 52 (3), 337-348.
Blanchard, Simon J., Kurt A. Carlson, and Margaret G. Meloy (2014). ”Biased Predecisional Processing of Leading and Non-Leading Alternatives.” Psychological Science, 25 (3), 812-816.
Kim, Sunghoon, Simon J. Blanchard, Wayne S. DeSarbo, and Duncan H.K. Fong (2013). ”Implementing Managerial Constraints in Model Based Segmentation: Extensions of Kim, Fong, and DeSarbo (2012) with an Application to Heterogeneous Perceptions of Service Quality.” Journal of Marketing Research, 50 (5), 664-673.
Hamilton, Rebecca, W., Debora V. Thompson, Zachary G. Arens, Simon J. Blanchard, Gerald Haubl,
P.K. Kannan, Donald R. Lehmann, Margaret G. Meloy, Neal Roese, Manoj Thomas (2014). ”Consumer Substitution Decisions: An Integrative Framework.” Marketing Letters, 25 (3), 305-317.
Blanchard, Simon J., Wayne S. DeSarbo (2013). ”A New Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Methodology for Latent Category Identification.” Psychometrika, 78 (2), 322-340.
Blanchard, Simon J., Daniel Aloise and Wayne S. DeSarbo (2012). ”Heterogeneous P-Median for Categorization Based Clustering.” Psychometrika, 77 (4), 741-762.
Blanchard, Simon J., Wayne S. DeSarbo, A. Selin Atalay, Nukhet Harmancioglu (2011). ”Identifying Consumer Heterogeneity in Unobserved Categories.” Marketing Letters, 23 (1), 177-194.
DeSarbo, Wayne S., A. Selin Atalay, and Simon J. Blanchard (2009). ”A Three-Way Clusterwise Multidimensional Unfolding Procedure for the Spatial Representation of Context Dependent Preferences.” Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 53 (8), 3217-3230.
DeSarbo, Wayne S., A. Selin Atalay, David LeBaron, and Simon J. Blanchard (2008). ”Estimating Multiple Segment-Level Ideal Points from Context Dependent Survey Data.” Journal of Consumer Research, 35 (June), 142-153.